"14 Views of Mourning Light"
Choreography: Heather Gray in collaboration with Dancers
Light Design: Robert Shannon
Video: Heather Gray
Photography: Elizabeth Henry-Hooker
These images are from my BFA concert/thesis. I am planning on revisiting this work or possible resetting it, depending on how quickly I can get a show together and if my dancers are still in Boulder. I had an amazing time working on this concert and was lucky to work with some amazing souls. I couldn't be happier with the outcome.
Next I will be writing grants and looking for venues. I will keep you posted. It is both exciting and scary transitioning into the "real world" as an artist. Being a student you are lucky to have an easily accessible venue, PR and a budget to produce a concert... in the "real world" these are very very very expensive things. I am motivated, inspired and have a few partners in crime to take this journey with. There are exciting times ahead! Here we go!